

I am a robotics engineer currently in Master of Science in Robotics program at NorthWestern University.

I got double major in WPI for my undergraduate, with electrical engineering and robotics engineering. Since then I have worked at Realtime Robotics for almost 3 years. I have made the decision to pursute a master degree as I reconize the need to broden my perspective and learn about a wide veraity of topics.


I have comperhensive skills in all three major fields of robotics: mechanical, electrical, and software. I like electrical eningeering and it’s very attractive to me. On the other hand, software and programming feelds the most natural and easy for me. Genrally speaking, I can work on system level engineering of a robot or any sub-systems.


  • Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Verilog, MATLAB, Bash/Zsh/sh.
  • Daily-driving Linux based system for 3+ years, managed a few server for self hosting. Have a small network of devices at home all running linux.
  • General dev-ops and linux system tools: Gitlab-CI, Shell-scripting, ansible, vagrant.
  • Network tools: SSH/pSSH, Wireshark, tcpdump, nc, arping/arp-scan.
  • Frame works: ROS/ROS2, TI-RTOS.


  • Capable of using most lab equipnment for testing and prototyping.
  • Able to design PCB in KiCAD, and build product with custom PCBs
  • Soldering custom made PCBs as well as pref-boards.
  • Simulation tools: Multisim, LTSpice.


  • CAD: Solidworks, Onshape, CadQuery
  • Various manufacturing tools: 3D printing (I own two printers, with one fully custom built), laser cutter, wood-lathe, bandsaw, tablesaw, etc.

Peronally, I am a maker, I have the intension to make everything, or at-least try once to know the process and the interworking of things. I also love to automate things, after, that’s one big reason for me to get into robotics.